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Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about massage and bodywork therapy. If you have questions that are not answered in these lists, please send a message. We're happy to help!

  • What should I expect for my very first session?
    Prior to your very first session you’ll receive an email with directions to the studio. Brandon will greet you by the main entrance of the building near your scheduled time and will walk you back to the studio and direct you to the restroom should you need it. Once inside the therapy studio you’ll be asked to fill out the confidential health history intake forms, of which there are two. One is a larger detailed form that every client fills out once at their very first session, and again at their first session of each calendar year. The other is a shorter form that you’ll be asked to complete at the start of every session. After completing the forms you and I will go over them together. When you both have a clear understanding of your goals and conditions to be addressed, the hands-on therapy will begin. The time taken to complete the longer detailed intakes will be made up to you and you should expect this session to run longer and end late, while still starting at the scheduled time. After the hands-on therapy is complete you’ll be given some time to collect yourself before discussing any feedback, outcomes, or practices you may do at home to help further you toward your goals. Also at this time, water will be provided to you and if you hadn’t paid online when you scheduled you would be asked to settle up. Brandon will be in touch with you within the next few days to see how you have been settling after your therapeutic session together. This is a similar procedure for ongoing sessions.
  • Why do you need to know my health history?
    Massage and bodywork have many effects, some of which are still unknown. Certain techniques or massage in general may be contraindicated for certain health issues. In order to provide the safest possible session as well as one that is adapted to your specific needs, you’re asked to be as open and honest on your health history form as possible.
  • What is the parking like outside the studio?
    There is available parking along the street as well as in the lot on the north side of 29th St. The building parking lot includes both sides from the alley and it’s rare that parking is ever an issue. In the aerial view image on the right, parking in the lot and on the street is indicated in orange, with the Main Entrance to the building is marked with a yellow square and is shown in the street view image below. *Handicapped parking is off of Fall Creek Pkwy and is indicated in purple with the handicapped intrance indicated with a star, as show in aerial view image and the street view image below.
  • Once inside the building, how do I find the SomaBolo studio?"
    Once you are inside the building, follow all the way around along the main floor until your only option is to either go up or down stairs. If you stop there and look to your left you'll see the door to SomaBolo. *For those entering from the handycapped entrance, Brandon will greet you to help ensure you smooth access. Directions from handycapped entrance: You'll be entering the building through the parlor entrance on Fall Creek Pkwy. Move forward through the foyer past a set of double doors and into the hallway. Next you'll take a left to find a wheelchair lift taking you down a small set of stairs, (there is a remote control on the wall and on the device to operate). When past those stairs, the studio is there on your right.
  • How early should I arrive for my session?
    Try to arrive for your session no earlier than 5-10 minutes prior to your scheduled session start time. Due to SomaBolo being a single studio, there is not a receptionist and Brandon may still be finishing preparations for your session. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
  • What happens if I arrive late?
    If you are running late, it’s preferred that you try to make contact, if possible and safe, informing Brandon to keep watch for your arrival time different than expected. Brandon will try to accommodate you with the remaining time available. Often times there is another session scheduled soon after yours, and if this is the case, then we have no choice but to end your appointment at its originally-scheduled time. If there is not another client or obligation right after, then we may be able to extend your appointment time. But please try to arrive on time to avoid this situation, as it can cause unnecessary stress to you going into your session, as well as potentially having your session time shortened. If contact is not made within 20 minutes after your scheduled start time you may be considered a no show and risk incurring late cancellation charges.
  • Once I'm through the Waitlist process, how do I schedule my session?
    There are a few ways to schedule your session. The most convenient way to schedule is using the online scheduler. You’ll select the particular service and session length you are interested in, which takes you next to the updated calendar. You can select any time shown that will work best with your schedule, and click “continue”. From there you’ll be asked for your name, contact information, and if you’d prefer to pay at the time of service or there at the time you schedule. Either time is perfectly appropriate. Once completed you’ll receive an email confirming the date, session selected, and a few other details. If you otherwise prefer, or are not seeing any slot that fits your schedule, you’re also welcomed to call, text, or email to schedule your appointment.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    We ask for 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment in order to prevent incurring late cancellation charges. We reserve the right to charge a 50% fee on the full priced service for cancellations under 24 hours, and the full service price for no shows. All clients are able to edit, cancel, or reschedule all upcoming appointments themselves in the online scheduler prior to the 24 hour timeframe, or by contacting SomaBolo directly.
  • If I am sick with a cold or flu, should I still come to my appointment?"
    If you are ill with a cold or the flu, please do NOT come in for your session. Please phone or email me to cancel with as much notice as possible, so that I may be able to fill the spot with a clients on my wait-list. Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful consideration of this matter.
  • What if I'd be coming straight from work or the gym?
    A pre-massage shower is not required, but we do ask that clients use common sense and mindful personal hygiene practices, assuring both yours and the therapist’s comfort during the session. We do ask that clients please not wear perfumes, colognes, or other strong scents for their session. Thank you!
  • How do I book a massage?
    Unfortunately, SomaBolo is unable to accommodate everyone that is wanting to book a massage and is working from a waitlist. To add your name to that waitlist please fill out the quick form found in the Booking tab. You'll have better results the more completely you fill out the form, mentioning your concerns or reasons for seeking bodywork or if you have received a referral. Be sure to add to your safe sender list or your invitation to schedule may be lost to your spam filter.
  • Do I have to be completely undressed?
    For most table sessions, you will undress to the level you are comfortable. Your therapist will give you privacy when changing. Most clients choose to remove all clothing, as they require some direct contact with the skin and use oil or cream. If you will be more comfortable during the session leaving undergarments on, that is appropriate too, but please be advised that some oil may get onto them. If you are unclothed for a session, a sheet will be covering parts of the body that are not being worked on. If removing many clothing items makes you too nervous and unable to relax, then you are not getting the optimal benefit from your session and you should think about scheduling Thai Bodywork instead. If you have any concerns or questions about this issue, please do not hesitate to ask. For Thai bodywork you will be clothed throughout the session. You’ll be asked to wear a loose and comfortable fitting stretch-type full pant and a regular or long sleeve t-shirt. Clients are encouraged to either arrive wearing these items or have them along and ready to change after arriving. Please note that shorts or tank tops are not appropriate for these sessions and you may be asked to change. The SomaBolo studio has extra sets of clean clothes in a range of sizes for this and other circumstances. All clients are welcomed to utilize these items as available.
  • What am I supposed to do during a massage treatment?
    Mostly all you need to do is relax, and next help your therapist ensure that you are the most comfortable in regards to pressure, temperature, and positioning. If you’re wanted in a different position Brandon will either do the adjustment for you, or ask you to move to the position needed. Otherwise, you should feel free to change your own positioning anytime to make yourself more comfortable.
  • Is it okay to talk or should I be quiet during my massage?
    It is your session, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way to relax. It is okay to talk if you feel anxious or have questions about the session. And it’s rather important to speak up if you are in pain, feel too hot or cold, or realize you forgot to mention a health issue during the intake. Many people close their eyes as they completely relax during their session. Also, ambient music is usually played to help you rest and observe the changes occurring in your body. If you prefer it more quiet, just mention it. The music is easily turned off. Remember, this is entirely your session to make what you want it to be. Your therapist will follow your lead.
  • How should bodywork feel?
    Bodywork techniques on healthy tissue usually feels very good. The normal response is to let go, take deeper breaths, and relaxing into it. Having bodywork performed in an area of chronic pain or injury can cause discomfort at first, but usually lessens after the first few minutes. Brandon has been trained in numerous techniques and will work carefully within what feels right to you, and minimizing any pain or discomfort to that area. He will check in and ask for feedback throughout your session to make sure that we are working within the right level of “therapeutic tenderness” - this sensation is described as ‘hurts so good’ - a level of tenderness that you can breathe through comfortably, and that dissipates rather quickly as we work, easing the initial discomfort. If people have been living with chronic pain for any length of time, it can be difficult to differentiate these sensations, so you’ll be encouraged to listen closely to your body. The most effective and deepest bodywork will work with the body’s natural responses, not against them.
  • Can you feel that too?
    Often times clients will ask the therapist how they found tension that they themselves didn’t even know they had, or if their therapist can feel an area of intensity along with them. Well, the answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no. It’s not always following tension trails that lead them to work in a particular area. Sometimes the way you may have held your body as you were led back to the therapy room that steered that direction, or something you said in your intake. Maybe you were laying crooked on the table which directed attention to some tight muscles on one side. Sometimes your therapist can actually feel irregular tissue and sometimes they may feel unexplainably called to a certain area. The one thing that might be the most essential to understand is that, regardless of anyone’s expertise, no one can tell you how you are experiencing your body better than you. So, it’s important that you communicate with your therapist to keep them aware during your session. Always let them know if their pressure, angle, or technique needs to be adjusted.
  • What if I don't feel comfortable during my session?
    It’s extremely important to understand that they are times when you need to speak up. If the therapist is doing anything that leaves you uncomfortable, you should let them know immediately. If it is something such as the technique they are using, the temperature, the lighting, or anything else that your therapist is able to change they’ll do their best to try to remedy the situation. If your discomforting feelings stem from your view of your body, you can express that to your therapist. Understand that massage therapists are professionals who are sensitive to possible client issues with touch and are non-judgmental about your body weight, amount of hair, skin conditions, scars, disabilities, medical conditions, or personal history of trauma. Brandon and the SomaBolo studio strive to create a safe space for each individual to approach their concerns openly and in a healthy manner. Your participation is valuable here. The information and events shared within and surrounding your session are considered confidential and will not be shared with anyone, at any time, without your prior express written approval. If you still have unsettled concerns, you are in control, and are allowed to end your session at any time.
  • Is there any reason I shouldn't get a massage?
    There’s not that many contraindications, or reasons where treatment is not advised due to the risk of causing further harm, but there are a few. If you have a fever, cold/flu, or contagious condition you should not schedule a massage session until you have fully healed. Truthfully, receiving bodywork when you’re not feeling well may actually make you feel worse than you already are. There are some circumstances where you may be asked to reschedule your session, such as if you’ve experienced a recent trauma to your body within 48 hours (e.g. a car accident, a fall, medical operation, or even severe emotional trauma), or if you’re found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Most any other situation may just require your therapist to adjust their techniques or avoid a certain area of the body for the time. Some risk factors that should be taken into account, but are not complete contraindications are pregnancy, cancer, vascular disorders, arthritis, neuropathy, and certain heart conditions. These may require a written physician’s approval prior to receiving bodywork. You should always talk with your physician to see if they have any concerns to you receiving bodywork. If you have any of these mentioned, or other specific condition, which you feel might preclude you from receiving massage, please contact your therapist to discuss if modifications can be made.
  • I'm pregnant. Can I still have massage?
    Pregnant women should first discuss massage with their prenatal care provider, but studies have shown that women are able to receive massage at any stage of pregnancy. Simple modifications are made in order to help ensure the safety of the woman and child such as performing the session in the side-lying position. Generally speaking, lighter pressure may be used on pregnant women and deep tissue techniques and stretching are not recommended.
  • Will a single session "fix" me?"
    There is no precise answer to this question as clients vary with different concerns, some chronic, some sporadic. And the therapies used to address these conditions vary as well. Some people walk away from a single therapy session feeling immediate relief, where others have felt physical improvement from their session the next day or a few days later, and still others required a series of regularly schedule sessions in order to notice significant improvements. Also it’s not uncommon to find people with multiple concerns, as well as having underlying issues once the initial concern is addressed. The body often will develop compensating holding patters to make up for an instability elsewhere. Sometimes this compensation can be a more painful symptom effectively masking the original vulnerability. Each person, along with their concerns, is almost like picking a lock. Some conditions can be rather straightforward and simple to find release, while others can take a bit more effort.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    It’s hard to say. Each client is unique and every condition is unique to each person. It may take only once or it may take several sessions to reach your goal. It all will depend on the severity of your concern, how long it’s been present, and how far you are from that goal. It’s important to speak openly and honestly with your therapist about your conditions and expectations so they can better form an appropriate treatment plan to use, as well as further explain the benefits they anticipate you’ll receive, how soon you could expect to notice them, and how long they might be expected to last.
  • How often should I get a massage?
    How often you receive massage varies from person to person and is dependent upon why you’re seeking massage. If you’re just seeking some occasional relaxation, then a session every 3-6 weeks might be fine for you. However, if you are seeking treatment for a specific condition, it is recommended you go more frequently at first, then taper down to more of a maintenance schedule. You’ll want to consider how you felt in the days after your session and when you noticed those specific symptoms beginning to reappear or worsen. This will help you determine the best length of time between treatments. Remembering to keep a regular schedule can be necessary in effectively addressing your concerns. Your therapist may be able suggest some “homework” for you to practice at home as part of your treatment plan in order to lengthen the time between sessions as well as accelerate you toward your therapeutic goals
  • How will I feel after my treatment?
    This can be different depending on what kind of work has been done. Most often people report feeling very relaxed following their massage, as though they’re ready for a nap. Many people emerge having a sense of peace, like if time has slowed down for them a little bit, then later feeling refreshed, softly energized, and having a heightened awareness.
  • Will I be sore after my massage?
    If you came in to receive deeper therapeutic work you might feel a little bit sore immediately after the massage, but usually the following day you should feel great. In you were to feel more sore the day following your massage than you had immediately after, it can be an indication that you didn’t drink enough water to help flush the tissues, or there were excesses of waste products in the tissue that didn’t make it into the circulation. This can be more likely to happen if a person is not accustomed to receiving bodywork or if they’ve been sedentary for awhile. To help prevent this it’s a good idea to be sufficiently hydrated prior to your massage, while also increasing your water intake afterward. Another cause that leads to a person feeling soreness the following day or longer is an indication that your therapist used too much pressure. If the technique your therapist is using is causing pain, going past the “therapeutic zone”, please speak up immediately and tell them to use lighter pressure. There’s one other instance where a person’s original aches and pains may have initially decreased or even become absent, then soon those or other issues may present briefly as a form of by-product to massage. Since massage can create a heightened awareness of the body and allow a person to tune into the subtler sensations, lesser pains can seem louder, and more fluid movements can seem awkward. This not unheard of scenario is usually pretty short lived before they begin to feel the benefits again.
  • What kind of payments are accepted?
    Inside the SomaBolo studio we are able to accept cash, check, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. If you prefer to pay online when you book your session we can only accept PayPay or credit card. Unfortunately we are unable to direct bill insurance companies but are able to provide receipts for therapy sessions. You can check with your insurance provider before your appointment to see if they cover massage and bodywork therapies, and if they require a doctor’s referral or prescription in advance before authorizing reimbursements.
  • Why can't I tip?
    Brandon feels bodywork, as is a part of your healthcare team, that tipping is not necessary. Many people feel uncomfortable with today's tipping culture. By not accepting gratuities takes that element out of the environment, allowing you to feel more comfortable with the transaction.
  • Do you offer gift certificates?
    Yes we do! A session with SomaBolo is a great way to show someone how much you care. You can get certificates good for a particular service, a package bundle, or for a certain dollar amount. Gift certificates can be purchased online, or by contacting the studio by phone or email.
  • What is the cancellation policy?
    We ask for 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment in order to prevent incurring late cancellation charges. We reserve the right to charge a 50% fee on the full priced service for cancellations under 24 hours, and the full service price for no shows. All clients are able to edit, cancel, or reschedule all upcoming appointments themselves in the online scheduler prior to the 24 hour timeframe, or by contacting SomaBolo directly.
  • What is your refund policy?
    We has a no refund policy on services completed. Unless otherwise stated, any refunds for services not provided are given in full, minus any transaction fees, if applicable.
  • Are the training classes available for CEs?
    Yes, the Thai Bodywork training courses are approved for official CEs by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). Please note that CEs are only applicable for Licensed Massage Therapists.
  • How much do the training classes cost?
    The training classes are offered at 3 different price points, an Accessible, Generous, and Regular ticket price. It is up to each participant to decide what they are comfortable paying. There is no difference in what is received between the different tickets. This three ticket format is the replacement to the "early bird" style, which we believe rewards those that have the extra funds to register right away, and punishes those that may need to save up before registering. With the three ticket format the prices don't change. Note: this pricing option goes for classes led by SomaBolo and classes hosted by SomaBolo but led by any guest instructor/school may not follow this pricing format.
  • Do you take payment plans?
    We offer no-pressure/no-interest payment plans toward the Regular ticket cost. These are not anything preset but what the individual decides is available to them without incurring hardship. No-pressure refers to the fact that the payments are not required to be complete prior to the class. Student accounts are required to be settled before allowed to register for further classes.
  • What if I want to take a class again?
    It is our policy that retaking any class a second time is available at half the cost of a Regular ticket. Taking any class a third time would be a further discount of a $100 flat rate and then opportunities to assist with class at no cost.
  • Does this mean I'm certified in Thai massage?
    Beginning classes with SomaBolo School of Thai Bodywork, while ends with you receiving a certificate, it does not equate to being "certified" in Thai. We are working on building a full Thai Bodywork Practitioner certification, which will end up being over 250 hours. Not yet obtaining a full certification should not preclude you from offering and practicing the techniques and methods learned in class.

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Copyright 2016-2023 Helpful Bytes and SomaBolo Bodywork & Massage, LLC

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